In this article, Bahaa Al Zubaidi, discussed the top trends in DevOps based on his experience. Implementation of DevOps helps companies launch new products and improve them. The software development and testing lifecycle can be automated by the use of DevOps.

If you are using DevOps, then it is important to be aware of the latest trends. We tell you the latest trends in DevOps you need to know.

Latest DevOps Trends

Container adoption

Containers are self-contained and lightweight environments that help in hosting and managing web applications. It is expected that by 2023, 70% companies would have at least two containerized applications. The use of containers help in creating applications that are scalable.

Serverless computing

The latest trend is serverless computing that helps to streamline DevOps operations. The use of serverless computing helps to reduce workload, since they don’t have to worry about server maintenance and cloud monitoring. It helps to generate code for DevOps without the requirement of a host. This is an import aspect as per Bahaa Al Zubaidi

Low-code apps

Low-code approach to DevOps is a new trend that offers agility. This helps companies gain a competitive edge in the market. The big benefit of such apps is that a visual interface can be used to build an app. No coding knowledge is needed. The result of this is that DevOps teams can work faster and deployment is also speeded up as per Bahaa Al Zubaidi

GitOps implementation to increase

The implementation of GitOps, a new inclusion in the DevOps framework will increase. Developers can use Gits to manage clusters and deliver applications. Using Git workflow can help improve infrastructure management and software deployment. Cloud-native application deployment can be automated. Managing Kubernate clusters is effective when GitOps is used.

Microservices Architecture is becoming popular

Traditional architecture is giving way to microservices architecture. This helps faster innovation and allows better control over technology stack & standards. The biggest benefit of microservices architecture is that it can help cloud computing to break down monolithic applications into manageable units that are smaller.

DevSecOps is gaining ground

DevSecOps allows for improved security in DevOps. In today’s world, security is a key concern. The use of DevSecOps allows for implementing security into the development process. Risks can be identified quickly, thereby reducing costs that can occur later.


Automation is now a vital part of DevOps and helps organizations be more efficient. They can also be more adaptable, transparent, and responsive to the needs of customers. Automating time-consuming tasks can help developers to focus more on innovation and value-adding activities.

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