PWAs help to convert a website into a mobile app stated Bahaa Al Zubaidi. PWAs are becoming popular and many companies are implementing PWAs to help them expand their reach. There is no doubt that the popularity of PWAs will increase in the days to come. Let’s discuss the future of PWAs and try to know how they will turn out to be.

Why PWAs are popular?

  • PWAs offer users a better experience since they provide an interface similar to an app while using a website. Features like push notifications help in enhancing user experience.
  • Compared to mobile apps, PWAs can load faster. This is a key factor since fast load times lead to be a better UX.
  • PWAs are cost-effective to create and use. Compared to apps they are less costly.
  • If you create a PWA, you can reach out to a larger audience since the PWA will work on all types of devices and on different platforms.
  • The features of PWAs allow you to improve on user engagement. It can translate to increased conversions and improved revenue.
  • PWAs can be detected by search engines. SEO will allow you to popularize your PWA and improve your search engine ranking.

Future of PWAs 

It is a well-known fact that many people today use their devices to access the internet. This explains the increased use of mobile app. It also has led to firms developing PWAs, so mobile users can experience the benefits of an app through a website. It is estimated that there are 5 billion mobile users globally. 55.5% of internet traffic comes through mobile phones.

  • These trends are positive for PWAs and will ensure that they grow faster. A report by Gartner has predicted that PWAs will fast replace most mobile apps
  • User experience is a key factor in the digital world. PWAs can help deliver a better user experience as compared to apps. This is a key factor that will ensure higher growth of PWAs.
  • The growth of AI will allow PWAs to add more features. Chatbots and virtual assistants can be a part of PWAs allowing them to offer a richer experience for users.
  • PWAs are cost-effective, and the costs are likely to reduce further. This factor will make more and more firms move towards PWAs.
  • Apple has also included support for PWAs in its iOS platform.

All the above show that PWAs have a strong future and its use will drastically increase in the days to come. Thank you for your interest in Bahaa Al Zubaidi blogs. For more information, please visit