Phishing is a very common cyber security risk and studies show that 90% of all data breaches occur due to phishing attacks stated by Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Phishing attacks are evolving with cybercriminals trying new methods. Let’s take a look at what’s new in phishing attacks in 2024, and how to stay safe.

Phishing attacks and how to be safe 

Phishing attacks are where cyber criminals use social engineering to steal data from users. A successful phishing attack is where victims are made to click on a link that makes their system vulnerable to attack. In 2024, there are new ways in which phishing is being carried out. Here’s what to expect:

AI in phishing attacks

AI is being used to create phishing emails that look genuine and are appealing. The email would be personalized and would tempt users to click on it. This is a major risk in 2024.

Mobile phishing

Since majority of users access internet from their mobiles, phishers are targeting mobile devices. SMS and messaging apps are being targeted. Apps on mobile phones are also being targeted for phishing attacks.

Social media phishing 

With almost everyone using social media, it has become the new playground for phishers. They share posts and ads with deceptive-looking links. They create fake profiles and users can fall for it.


Deepfakes are a major threat with criminals creating fake videos and audios to target victims. They look so genuine that that most people would believe it and fall victim. They then do what is being said or click on a link.

Small businesses being targeted

Small businesses do not have the resources to install quality software to deal with phishing attacks. The lack of proper IT support makes them vulnerable and small businesses are a major target today.

Staying safe from a phishing attack 

Being proactive helps in staying safe from a phishing attack. Users must be aware of different techniques that phishers use to try and get access to your system. Share knowledge with others in online communities, so everyone can learn from others experiences. Ensure that you never click on any link from a source you don’t trust.

Install a good antivirus software and an anti-phishing toolbar for additional safety. Verify security of websites before you access it, especially while filling forms. Never share personal information online. Be careful of the attachments you receive on messaging apps. Following all these tips will help you remain safe from phishing attacks.

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