DevOps have become a mainstream methodology in today’s computing environment. The major components of DevOps are processes, people and tools. Focusing on people and processes offers uniformity, but to deliver initiatives that are transformational you need tools.”, observed Bahaa Al Zubaidi.

Purchasing DevOps tools may add to a company’s expenditure. To deal with the issue, this article presents the top 5 free DevOps tools available online.


As a repository of open-source code, GitLab can develop, plan, operate and secure software using a single application. For individual users and coders GitLab is absolutely free. It is available in GO, JavaScript and Ruby.

GitLab offers the following benefits:

  • CI/CD
  • Management of resources
  • Management of package
  • Distributed architecture
  • Cloud Support

Use cases of GitLab include: agile management, stream management and source code management.


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation manages this open-source platform. Prometheus is used mostly for alerting and monitoring activities. Components like client libraries, servers, alert managers, support tools and gateways make up its ecosystem. The orchestration engine based on Kubernetes container uses Prometheus as a default solution for alerting and monitoring.

Here are some of its features:

  • Flexible query language
  • Data model which is multidimensional
  • Static configuration
  • Efficient visualization tools


Developed by HashiCorp, Terraform is a code software tool. It enables users to solve configuration drift related problems. Using high-level language for configuration, this platform-agnostic coding tool assists developers in configuring infrastructure. Different cloud providers can run Terraform, like Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and AWS.

Here are some features of Terraform:

  • State management
  • Dependency graphs
  • Code pipe-lining
  • Versatile strategies depending on the cloud platform
  • Steady CLI workflow for multiple clouds service management


As an IT configuration and automation tool, Ansible offers cross-platform support. It is characterized by secure, convenient and reliable adoption in any organization. The tool is written in PowerShell, Ruby, Python and Shell languages.

Its features include:

  • Distributed architecture
  • Seamless integration with other management systems for authentication


This tool serves as a vulnerability open-source scanner for containers. Trivy can diagnose and detect vulnerabilities in language-specific packages, OS platforms and code infrastructures. To scan specific targets, simply install Trivy and let it do its job.

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