Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way we interact with gadgets and the way gadgets interact with each other in the 21st century observed by Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Our life is now ruled by smart devices that are capable of exchanging data with each other like smart TVs, watches, thermostats, refrigerators, cars and house security systems. But the advent of technology has it that with the rise of tech-savvy users comes the rise of cyber criminals waiting to misuse our data. Read on to know the major IoT-related threats and their solutions.

IoT Security Challenges

One of the biggest areas of vulnerability with IoT devices is their security as even if one device is compromised in your house, it could facilitate a cyber attack on all your devices.

Authenticated Sign-ins

Many problems can be avoided if you ensure your login credentials are foolproof and only authenticated users gain access to your devices. Data safety is of prime importance today and weak authentication practices enable frequent cyber attacks.

Trial Runs

Most of the software that fuels IoT is tried and tested for safety and protection against attacks. But since IoT devices have become commonplace, many new entrants may not invest much in research and security. Beware of what you buy and go for trusted brands.

Common cyber threats

All the common methods of data breaches like hacking, phishing and malwares apply to IoT devices as well. Keeping your devices regularly updated and periodically going over the authentication systems is good practice.

Voluminous data

Since IoT gadgets deal with lots of data every day both internally and externally with other devices, using cutting-edge encryption methods are crucial. This also helps with seamless integration of data with other devices.

What can we do to protect ourselves in the era of IoT?

You maybe daunted by the idea of adding more IoT devices to your network or trying out a new smart appliance. Fear not, for there are always solutions to tackle the modern cyber threats.

Invest in VPNs

Using a VPN guarantees safety of data and protects all the data exchanges that happen on your network. Be it for making secure transactions or registering your house security system, everything is managed easily.

MFA or 2FA

Take this as a sign to ensure you have multi-factor or 2-factor authorizations turned on for all your devices. It gives you an extra layer of protection against IoT-related threats.

Turn on biometrics

Make sure your biometric authentication methods are also turned on. Biometric security solutions offer state-of-the-art protection and are hard to bypass. Your fingerprint, facial or retina prints are hard to replicate. Thank you for your interest in Bahaa Al Zubaidi Blogs. For more information, please visit