Bahaa Al Zubaidi explains the important factors to consider when developing a streaming app. You have to consider the features, tech stack, cost and some other factors. The goal is to provide an excellent user experience. Developing such an app requires extensive planning. You will need support from an app development company. The product must be tested once it is ready for use. The app requires regular maintenance to ensure it performs well.

Market Survey

This is the first step to developing a streaming application. What problems are you trying to solve for your target consumers? The survey will reveal the pain points your users face when using current streaming applications. You will know the drawbacks of existing systems. The report will help you know the features your target consumers desire in a streaming app.

What Features to Include?

It will depend on the payment model you follow. You can opt for a freemium subscription model where basic contents are offered for free while the premium titles are available on the subscription basis. The basic features in such an app include login, admin panel, profile management and others. Think about user experience, access and personalization. If you want to allow your users to log in to your app using their social platform user ID, your app must be integrated with social media APIs and two factor security authentication. You may want to allow your users to have multiple profiles within an account. You can integrate maps and location update features. Notification feature is standard across most apps. You can include both standard and advanced features in your app.

The Tech Stack

There are many factors that affect each stack used in the app. Effective bit rate management, database storage, deployment platforms and integrated features are needed to ensure best experience for the streaming app users. The streaming technology reduces the need for using lots of memory space of the user’s device. The data is streamed and loaded onto the device in real time. Different protocols like MPEG-DASH, HLS, RTMP and WebRTC are used for streaming videos. Cloud-based solution is now preferred for video streaming.

Developing the App

You will need the services of an app developing company to develop your streaming app. The features you have identified will be included in the app by this team. It will start with a wireframe and deliver the ready to use app.

Testing the App

Once the app is ready for use, it must be first put through several tests. The app will go through UX, load, performance, localization and other tests. Problems found during these tests are solved by the app development team. Testing is the key aspect in real time as per Bahaa Al Zubaidi.

Regular maintenance is needed to keep the app in good health and deliver better experience to its users. Thank you for your time.

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