Implementing DevSecOps is a great way to integrate security in your software development cycle observed Bahaa Al Zubaidi. It offers cutting-edge security tools. The many benefits have made software companies move to DevSecOps. However, before implementing it is vital to create a culture. Without creating a culture, starting with implementation would lead to many problems.

Creating a DevSecOps culture 

Whenever anything new is implemented, it is important to create an environment where the changes can be accepted. This is known as culture in the organization. DevSecOps implementation is a major activity. It calls for many changes with security being integrated with development and operations. DevSecOps implementation calls for close collaboration between operations, development, and security teams.

For this to happen seamlessly, it is important to create a DecSecOps culture. This has to be done from the top level and must percolate down to the lowest level. Here are some ways in which you can create a DevSecOps culture in your organization.

Promote openness

As mentioned above, DevSecOps calls for collaboration and communication between three different teams. This requires for openness in the organization. A culture that fosters openness has to be created. Open and timely communication must be encouraged. Proactiveness is needed and not reactiveness. When a culture of openness is present in the organization, implementing a major change like DevSecOps becomes easy.

Ensure feedback loop

Communication is important for DevSecOps implementation. The communication must not be one-way but must be two-way. A feedback loop has to be implemented where team members interact with each other on a continuous basis. Automating interaction and using chatbots can help make this work well.

Ensure continuous learning

Any new implementation will see difficulties. To surmount problems, it is important to learn what happened and why it happened. This is possible through continuous learning. A learning culture must be in place where everyone is keen to learn. Training is another key activity that helps in ensuring continuous learning.

Identify security champions

Security is a key focus area, and hence it is important to develop security champions. The organization must identify individuals who can lead the security implementation effort. These champions must be identified, empowered, and given responsibilities. Such a cultural change will help make implementation easy.

Create autonomy

Teams must be empowered and made autonomous. Allowing teams to decide their processes makes it easier to implement change. It also encourages team members to participate in building the DevSecOps culture.

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