PWAs or Progressive Web Apps are applications that run through the web and are platform independent feels Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Since they work on the web, it is natural that the user must be online. But an interesting feature of PWAs is that they can work even when the user is offline. Push notifications in PWAs can engage users even when they are offline. We look at how this can be done in this guide.

Push notifications in PWAs

If you have a PWA and want to keep your users engaged, then push notifications can help you do that. The beauty of this feature is that even if your user is offline you can still send notifications based on your notification schedule. This is a powerful feature that you must use in your PWA.

The following gives you an overview of how to integrate push notifications for your PWA:

  1. In order to ensure that push notifications work in the right way, you must have a secure HTTPS connection. This would help to ensure security.
  2. You will need a service to help you send push notifications. Firebase or Pusher or OneSignal are examples of the services you can consider using. You can choose the tool that suits your needs.
  3. You will need a service worker, which is nothing but a JavaScript. The service worker would run in the background, so that push notifications can be sent even if the PWA is not open.
  4. You will need user permission to ensure push notifications can be sent.
  5. With all these components ready, the process of integrating push notification becomes easy. You must register the service worker first. Then get a subscription for the push notification service. Manage the interaction and display of the notifications.

Here are a few things to keep in mind to increase engagement through push notifications:

  • Make use of emojis to keep things light.
  • Ensure the notification has something of value for the user.
  • Be concise in wordings and ensure the message is sent at the right time convenient for the user.
  • Personalized notifications will ensure a higher engagement. Including username or information related to the user can be used for personalization.
  • Ensure you allow users the option to stop receiving notifications or choosing when and what notifications they can receive.

Using push notifications is a great way of ensuring constant engagement with your users. Activate this feature for your PWA and ensure your users don’t miss out on notifications even when they are not online. Thank you for your interest in Bahaa Al Zubaidi blogs. For more information, please visit