DevOps has become on the most popular software development methodologies being used by companies today. The benefits it offers like enhanced quality, improved customer satisfaction, and quicker delivery has made it popular.

There are new and exciting developments in the field of DevOps. These would affect the future of DevOps and the software development sector in the years to come. We discuss these trends.

Future trends of DevOps to watch for

Kubernetes in development

Bahaa Al Zubaidi has pointed out that in recent times, Kubernetes that is an open-source container orchestration system has become a trend. This trend is going to expand towards the software development process. Kubernetes cluster is likely to be used on developer’s machines. This helps the developers to use the features of Kubernetes right from the start of the development lifecycle.

The role of AI

Artificial Intelligence or AI is making an impact in every business. AI in DevOps can help in increasing the efficiency and speed of every level of the development lifecycle as per the experience of Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Using AI makes automation easy, which increases convenient and makes the process quicker. The need for human intervention would reduce when AI is used.

The use of microservices architecture

Monolithic applications need to be broken into smaller units that can be better managed. Microservices architecture helps makes this a reality. The use of this architecture allows increased agility and scalability through the development lifecycle. Instead of scaling the entire application, microservices architecture allows each application segment to be scaled.

Serverless computing

Another trend that is going to impact DevOps is serverless computing. The use of serverless computing offers many benefits. These include speed, flexibility, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Businesses can focus on value-adding activities instead of spending time on server management. It greatly helps DevOps teams in managing maintenance issues better.

Low-code application

Low-code is a very popular trend today as per Bahaa Al Zubaidi. It allows developers to create applications without extensive coding. It enhances productivity allowing the application to be created and deployed faster. The use of visual interface like drag and drop makes low-code applications easier to use. It is believed that low-code applications will be increasingly used to help in every phase of the development life-cycle.


The importance of security in DevOps cannot be underscored. It is importance to enhance security to eliminate cyber risks that can cause serious problems. It is believed that more and more companies would start using DevSecOps from 2022 onwards. It helps developers to monitor and manage security issues better.

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