CI/CD or Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment are software development practices that help in reducing delivery cycle time observed Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Modern software firms follow these practices to help them release software faster. We look at latest trends and tools related to CI/CD.

What is CI and CD? 

CI or Continuous Integration is a practice that ensures software components are integrated well. The practice suggests that integration should be done as frequent as daily or even hourly as required. CD or Continuous Delivery takes off from where CI ends. CD ensures code changes are deployed to testing and staging environment. It allows release as needed.

CI/CD Latest Trends 

  • AI and ML is being used in every area, including in CI/CD. When automation is done using AI, it helps in streamlining the workflow. The resulted is enhanced efficiency and improved results.
  • Integration with DevSecOps is slowly becoming common. It helps in embedding security measures.
  • GitOps helps in empowering development teams to facilitate continuous updates and changes. It allows for better collaboration and version control.
  • Real time feedback from user is being used to help in improvements. It allows for the application to be as close to user needs as possible.
  • A latest trend is the use of voice and gesture. DevOps is optimizing apps, so they can be controlled by gestures and voice.
  • Adoption to multi-cloud environment is a trend that is slowly becoming a norm. The latest trend is to ensure CI/CD enables deployment of apps in different cloud platforms.
  • Adapting to edge computing is a trend today. Up-To-Date services and apps need to be delivered to edge devices.
  • A key trend today is of seeing everything as code. Depicted everything as code ensures better automation.

CI/CD latest tools 

Some of the latest tools used in CI/CD include;

  • CircleCI is a tool that enables rapid deployment and publishing. It helps in automation at all stages.
  • Bamboo is a CI server that automates release management. Its scope includes version assignment, functional testing, and build.
  • Jenkins is open source automation server where CI and central build can take place. It is self contained and has hundreds of different plugins.
  • GitLab has a tool suite to help manage different parts of the software lifecycle. It helps to trigger builds, deploy code, and also run tests.
  • Travis CI helps in testing and building projects. It auto detects any new commit and pushes to the GitHub repository.

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