You get complete control over your business processes with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. This tool helps you control and manage your business efficiently. How do you choose the right ERP solution for your requirements?

The following checklist will help you decide the best ERP program for your business as per Bahaa Al Zubaidi.

Determine Your Requirements

This is the first step to selecting any solution. Take into account the size of your business. What are the pain points and bottlenecks in your present system? What problems you want to solve by using this ERP solution? Answers to these questions will help you determine the best ERP program.

Can You Integrate It with Your Present System?

Bahaa Abdul Zubaidi says that is step needs more focus and accuracy as it determines the budget that you need to spend on ERP. The ERP solution you select must integrate easily with your current programs. If you have to change your existing programs for the sake of an ERP solution, it will increase your cost and can create other problems as well. If a current program is enmeshed with your business deeply, make sure the ERP solution you select will work with it. You will not have to change anything and can deploy the ERP program quickly. Your organization will have seamless operations across all departments.

Can It Be Customized to Suit Your Requirements?

The ERP software should not force you to change your way of business processes. Rather it should work according to your requirements and setups. Such a program is flexible and offers customization. When you adopt a new program, you are bound to face some issues. However, if it is customizable, you can overcome those problems quickly.

Easy to Learn

The program should not require long hours of training. It should be easy to learn and implement. Look for a program with clean interface, easy navigation, simple learning tools, and other user-friendly features.


Businesses now generate lots of data. If you cannot make sense of this data, you will be unable to predict the trends that affect your business. Look for an ERP solution that is helpful in preparing reports after analyzing the data your different departments generate. Use of predictive analytics will transform your business. You will get actionable insights that help improve your business operations. You will know the projects that are delivering good results and the ones that need improvements or closure.

An ERP program that incorporates latest technologies like artificial intelligence will keep you ahead in your field. You can identify the pain points. This information will help you devise better strategies and improve your business prospects. Thank you for your interest in Bahaa Abdul Hussein blogs. Please visit for more articles.