DevSecOps is a way of merging security practices with the DevOps process, which is based on security from the very beginning of the software development lifecycle observed by Bahaa Al Zubaidi.

Here are some best practices for implementing DevSecOps in your organization:

Shift security left

Change the security practices and testing directions and start to carry them out early in the development process. Such is the means through which the security issues are spotted and solved at the beginning, thereby significantly lowering the cost and impact of the fixes at the end of the road.

Automate security testing.

Cut down on security testing to the minimum by making it automated, including static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), and interactive application security testing (IAST). Thus, it cuts down on the time taken to discover and fix security weak points effectively.

Apply security as a code.

Security configurations and policies should be treated as codes by using tools such as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration as Code (CaC). These can be used to manage and enforce security policies in your infrastructure and applications.

Promote teamwork

Stimulate the creativity of the developers, security, and operations teams and get them to share their ideas. This way, security becomes a factor in every single part of the development and deployment procedures.

Provide security training.

Give security training on a regular basis to the developers, operations team, and other staff members who are relevant to the topic. This educates the teams about the security best practices, and the teams become equipped with the knowledge and skills to put them into effect effectively.

Implement secure development practices.

The adoption of secure development practices, like secure coding guidelines, constant code reviews, and vulnerability management processes, should be followed. These make sure the software projects are developed in a way that the software will be secure. Such methods are the ones that significantly decrease the probability of the introduction of security weaknesses in your code.

Analyze and react to security threats.

Formulate incident response plans that will enable quick and efficient response to and containment of security incidents when they occur.

Review and fix the systems regularly.

Preserve the safety of your systems and software by allocating the latest security patches. This way, the system will be on the prevention side, and thus, security breaches will be prevented.


The DevSecOps process involves a culture change towards the inclusion of security into every phase of the software development process. Thus, by adhering to these best practices, you will be able to enhance your organization’s security and create more safe and reliable software.

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