Rust is a new programming language that is becoming popular noted Bahaa Al Zubaidi. It is a general programming language that focuses on creating software that is efficient and reliable. The focus is on type safety, performance, and concurrency. It is ideal for use in system programming. Created by a developer from Mozilla, Rust had its first stable release in 2015. From then on, it has gained popularity.

Benefits of learning Rust

It is important to know the benefits of Rust before going into details:

  • Safety is a key benefit of Rust. There are strict limits imposed at the compilation time. It ensures errors are found before the code is actually run.
  • Common problems found in other programming languages like buffer overflows and null pointer dereferencing can be prevented by Rust’s inherent design.
  • Rust as a programming language is easy to learn. The language has a range of libraries and tools. This makes it easy to learn.
  • Rust supports concurrent programming. The risks of data races and race conditions are not present.
  • It is fast and is similar to the syntax of C++.
  • It is easy to use and flexible. A C API is available to bind with C programs.

How to setup Rust for use 

The first thing to do is to setup the development environment for using Rust. The following is an overview of the same:

  • Rust is available from its official website. The instructions on the website can be followed to install Rust on either Mac, Linux, of Windows OS.
  • You can write code for Rust in any editor. Visual Studio has a Rust extension. Using an IDE makes it easier to write code.
  • Use ‘$rustc –version’ to check the working of Rust.
  • You need to start learning the language. An official book is available to help you learn this programming language. The book is a good starting point to learn.


Here are some features of Rust programming language:

  • It is a multi-paradigm language with unique features that make it different.
  • All values have a specific owner. The scope of the value is the same as scope of the owner.
  • Code is safe and stable because of the memory safety feature of this tool.
  • It does not use garbage collection for memory management. RAII and reference counting are the features that Rust uses.
  • Rust has a build system as well as package manager known as Cargo.

Rust is a new language that is growing. You can start learning this language and use its benefits for creating projects. Thank you for your interest in Bahaa Al Zubaidi blogs. For more information, please visit